
Oh oh yes yes yes I'm just going to go in here and take everything I wasn't me the Gaza kill but.

God damn it I stole it how's it goin guys rigged us here welcome back to another i/o game today we're playing some brutal die oh no this is, a new i/o game that has recently come out I've actually been playing it for a couple days now and I keep coming, back to it so obviously I want to show it, to you guys because if I'm enjoying it I think you guys will enjoy it as well it's got one of the coolest mechanics in any IO game so we are this little cell thing and we. Can go around eating all these. Little triangles you can also eat obviously people as well and that will slowly expand out your back ball now you can use this thing like a like a weapon you, can see we're fighting here trying to kill each other but the coolest thing is you can. Actually let go of it and for example oh we almost hit that guy you can swing it off of your. Tail and then you can. Suck it back into which can also damage people so for example I just took out that guide your freaking bats. And it's just a really awesome mechanic there's a lot of strategy in this IO game and that's why I'm enjoying it so much it's also, a very quick IO game usually don't last longer than a couple minutes because it's so difficult to avoid everybody here we got lots of different stuff here. We can gobble up to make my balls bigger quite literally there we go we almost died to that.

Guy let's go try and get. The leader here you can see there's a crowd on the map as well it shows where the leader is and obviously I'd like to take him down impossible oh god that little.

Guy scared me alright this guy Wow does he ever have a big BA man see I walked right into it, there Baba the but that's a nice name. I enjoy that one all right let's try again starting off a little rusty here but we're probably to be lots of deaths in this one just because of. The way this IO team works oh yeah there we go we got that one my ball is twice the size now see if we can hit Matthew here. Oh Matthew you better okay we're going to suck my ball back in so you can or sorry you do, lose part of your ball if you do, go too far away from it so you can't just like leave your ball on one side of the map and then suck. It all the way across the map that would obviously be a.

Little bit overpowered your ball slowly does decrease the further you go away alright so we hit these things little things come out so I'm going to work with this guy here and. We can get some of these points here there we go.

You can see there's all these little goodies here oh god there's lots of little guys here there, we go we got one oh god this guy's trying to get me as well charging up my ball here I'll take that thank you very much. Good search throw that at him there we go suck my ball back and let's go in. For another hit oh okay that's a very big ball over here ah. You got a lot of aggressive people here I'm currently in sense place not doing too bad Oh God oh there's so many little guys oh I'm, just trying to avoid everybody right now okay we got some pink things over here now I think if we actually disattach from the ball these things actually run away from, the ball but not the. The little cell dude so you can go out and try and gather these you can see my capacity down below and you actually will make your ball bigger when you suck it, in again so for example if we can oh this guy's pretty big he's trying to do the same thing as, me trap me in there let's see maybe we can get someone in between here alright puck pulling it in, pulling it in yes we got.

Him now I don't know where his ball was it was somewhere over here ah yeah I don't think Oh should I'm losing energy so see if you go, too far away you start to lose your ball on so you want to suck that in as well I think we lost a. Big blue guy's ball ah that green guy is he over here I just saw a spike, thing but yeah I don't know. Where he is unfortunately Oh God that's what you get motherer okay we're gonna go grab this Oh God that guy I really want to try and get dusk if I can let's see, if I can shoot this. The right way the problem is the heavier the ball is the less distance it goes alright dusk is really trying to get me this is fun alright let's uh oh he's gonna suck it in he's gonna try. And get me but it's not gonna work buddy, alright let's see if I can maybe suck mine in and oh this is bad oh he kissing his eyeball as a defense mechanism oh yes this mechanic, fer this thing is so damn, fun that's a big oh god that's a very big ball okay don't kill me I might try and kill you to be honest dude I might totally try. And oh yeah we're trying to do the same thing that's the problem so I'm, not going to get away from him to actually collect some of these guys since they're not really running away from me right now oh wait wait wait, wait wait wait wait wait wait oh God Oh that guy's a little smarter than me I thought I was going to be able to, get him there oh I just got one that one guy was actually the top, guy is that going to go I really like trying to, snipe with this thing so if you can spin it right you can really start shooting people as you can see can I get this guy maybe throw. It yeah I got him all right I. Gotta go get that real quick all right there we go I got part of it he stole a lot of it though what is this okay there's a this will, see like a little safety zone for smaller people get the hell out of here actually cool oh god damn it. What I don't even know what just happened yeah there we go we got that guy alright we're gonna suck all this up there, we go my balls getting pretty big if, I bring this in it should get yet even bigger because you pull some of that in your little cell dude how we doing, now we're actually in fifth place that's a quick this game is like sometimes you're on the leaderboard sometimes you're not I would love to. Get the first place just looking oh god these guys are the problem is the little guys they can really shoot there and that. Is horrifying alright it, actually might be smart to keep my ball small because when you have a small one you can really whip it and throw it and I'm thinking maybe I could go for the top guy and see, if I can get lucky here located he's gonna be probably pretty good at doing that. Like grab those at least but yeah I can, use this and throw it for example oh yeah I like that I just got to get lucky and get them when, he's down oh god huh oh look at him now he's freaked out he don't even want to move okay there's no oh that's a sleeping bag oh okay I'll take that that's totally. Fine with me all and just like that you go to fourth place guys, alright gotta be honest I'm pretty.

Bad when I get to a big ball because I'm shooting my ball but you can't really do that with this you kind of got to use it like a. Plow here so let's see if we can maybe. Oh oh come on yeah pillow god dammit we both did it alright this is a good spot to be in we're. Just going to eat all of these oh god there's all these little guys here though I'm really scared oh nice trying to smack me haha you're such a big target when you are this size Oh. What the hell was that I didn't realize you can like, stretch em out to kill them did you see that I didn't even hit the guy on set I defeated. Him most I'm assuming I got the kill there that was the weirdest thing we're in second place right now this is going pretty well. This has got to be a obviously it's the first place guys bigger than me Oh, [Laughter] 14,000 the next guys are three okay I'm just feeling a hold on I'm not going to freak out so I got a kill in. The corner for a second okay let's just appreciate this moment guys we're the size. Of my balls right now and people are literally running into me dying this is the greatest experience ever I deleted another guy all right this. Ain't gonna last much longer so I'm just trying to soap it up all right. Let's go in this thing oh god.

Oh god it's gonna happen already they're already trying to kill me all right everybody is going I deleted nutsack, well that doesn't make sense I mean I guess my balls so big I don't even need a nutsack, anymore okay moose craps gonna try and get me yeah at this point you can't do anything yet look that little guy old got me too ah ha yeah I'm just, deleting everybody though cuz of running into me Oh God oh this is bad okay you know what you can have. That I don't even want that I, just I just got to get my ball with it I'm so big parts of the map don't even let me go through it as you can see like over here, I can't go through I can walk off old passageways that's about it there we go we're getting bigger I'm just kidding I can't move I can't. Fall oh god I can't move guys I seriously Oh No that was so fun I. Don't even know how big I got to but my god I don't think I'm. Going to get that big anytime soon it was to the point where I couldn't go around, the map because I was too big for the damn map so I got to assume that was pretty damn good okay we'll take that. There we go we got that we got him as welcome people are not that strategic in this I'm back to fourth place already here let's see if we. Can get Jay Ford over here okay I'm going to wrap this around I'm going, to use it as a plow now I'll plow into, it plow into it yeah there we go I didn't actually get Jay Ford but uh I still got all his pieces all right, and here is number one over here once again I'm number two Oh oh god don't don't don't you do this to me okay I'm. Actually gonna shoot that away cuz you do go faster maybe I cannot trick. Him into sucking the thing oh I'm pulling it in I'm pulling it in people were gonna die I hope there. We gosh just cut all those I didn't kill anyone but I'm back to, first place again now I'm going to stick out like a sore thumb so I'm just going to try, and avoid as much as possible I'm gonna get too big where I can't go around the map. Let's actually we haven't met that's a ball there we haven't been in Oh what happened I thought it has to hit the cell but there must be something with the rope as well where. You die well that's a little unfortunate I was doing good until it hahahahaha Wow so I've been just trying to use my momentum. To my advantage here it works really well, as you can see if you don't connect it because whenever you stop clicking the, ball stops going towards you so it's it's a really fun system that get good at oh my god I'm already in a place. Once again and Cravens back and first I'm going to go for them again all right there there's a, big ball that one go god that ball got too big too I wasn't prepared for that all right I'm gonna intentionally keep my ball, small here and I think I'm going to try in tonight the leader here you can see a lot of people are fishing now that seems to, be a common strategy I'm going to stay out of. The middle of the map for that reason and I want to go get this, guy so the smaller my ball is the further I can chuck it don't want to get that good and that should be good for dealing with Kraven here because as. You can see Kraven is quite the large specimen right oh. God okay great and ah me alright I never try this fishing thing so you can obviously get loot. Right here which is pretty cool this black hole does turn on though but if we go to the side I can definitely bounce my thing off the side and maybe trap some, people this should be okay what what is going on I don't even know. What that's all about but ok I'll take some free. Points over here ah there we go we got that guy I'm going to bounce and make mine bigger oh yeah this is this this it's pretty entertaining alright big purple guy over there I don't think he's, going to get trapped Oh black hole that's not good, okay let's just wait in the corner what I didn't expect that all right this is just absolute chaos there's so many people fishing in here you can't bring balls, in here which is great hope someone I don't know how they died but someone just died. Right here which is great for us I they probably just left the game there we go, let's give this guy oh this feels so cheap like, I I know this is obviously a strategy but it's very cheap doing it oh there's another one God Jojo there's also lots of stuff in here as you can see. Let's actually pick up some of this because it is spinning out now and I'm going to go make my, balls oh alright the black hole just turns on randomly and that's. What happens so that's the big downside of it staying in there too long obviously it's very, rewarding to stay in there though alright and array is right over here this is the first place guy right now I'm. Kind of tormenting them so are a lot of people obviously that's kind of the point of this game all right and two right come on close at least, like breach the moat oh now. It's that guy and realized that was that guy there we go now oh we tried to kill me okay we're second place once again hold is, a big guy over here come on I gotta get over there oh just gonna put me in first oh oh man. That sucks from weed he just got that kill – oh this guy's trying to get, me alright here you go buddy I'll take that and man something about this game is just, truly special oh oh yes yes yes I'm just gonna go in here and take everything it wasn't me that got the kill but god damn it I stole. It alright so we're gonna go oh god Ari I'm gonna let my ball go yeah there we, go and I'm actually going to use my ball to push myself around I've been seeing a lot. Of the high tier guys doing this oh god there's just so many little Jarrod I'm so bad at this. When I get to the top tier alright we're playing with some big balls I second oh god I'm in second place this guy's in first over here I don't. Try and get them I'm going to try and combat with these big-ass things because we're basically on par here while he's,, not that much bigger than me so if I can get them down that'd be great oh I just defeated terminator instead and bam I am now the leader so I'm gonna let, my ball go there we go and I'm going to push this forward and I got to, get the hell away from all these people alright not doing too bad though, this is what the third or fourth time that I've gotten first place I'm feeling pretty, good about it oh okay we got a lot to do for the little guys following us this is how you keep fast though if you take off your ball you can actually push it around at the same speed. As small people which is really nice oh there's another one oh yeah let's, just see how high we can get oh god my ball it's so, big it's not being pulled back so I got ahh it's so slow look at this okay it's probably because the walls were there so there. We go it's back towards me it's another guy this is constant stress though man, I I am not in a safe spot at all as you can see people are flinging, things everywhere off there's another guy did okay we're gonna start pushing my ball again going this way Oh God all that little guy just spawned in he almost got, me oh my god this is really the only spot on the map where you're safe. You can either go down south or up north and at least you have enough space to go around with this size so I'm. Just going back and forth and hoping for the best here there goes another one there goes another one there goes. Another one oh that that little orange spikes are. The green spike rather is really trying to get me I am just defeating everybody though this is great I think, I figured out the best strategy from when you're big is to just do this there we, go we're pushed but some guys come on get them oh is actually I killed someone big up there I don't even know who I'm killing. Anymore because that can see in front of me alright I'm not going to be too greedy I don't need everything here we're at 15,000 right now I think my highest. Was 22 so I'm going to try and get a little higher than that alright let's go. Down the side lanes here we haven't actually been down this way and. We should be able to take out so many people because we're so wide this is where most of the population, is so little dangerous for me but I'm still small enough to get through here and you can see I'm just I'm, just literally steamrolling people whoever's in front of me is dead this is so cheap it should. Not be basically as light as possible when you're just pushing it and not. As having it attached to you because this is so much easier we're actually getting so big I don't think we're going to be able to do. A full lap anymore but there's some big balls to our left here so I'm going to go try and get those guys okay yeah we're. We're bouncing some balls now there's some big guys up here so this should get, interesting you can see the people behind me trying to catch up, but I'm so fast that as long as I keep going forward we're totally fine Oh, geesh yet GCS is catching up to me actually so I'm going to pull back there because I kill them oh oh god I don't like it I don't like. It at all there's so many people Oh little Nate was the one that got me oh that was really fun though I think, I was like my fourth, first place in this episode so yeah guys we're gonna wrap up this one here this was brutal dot IO, I hope you guys enjoyed this pretty awesome IO game I'm definitely going to be going back to this one. Don't know if I'm going to do any more episodes on it depends on if it gets updated or not and of course. If you guys are enjoying it so let me know in the comments below would you think, about this as always guys thanks for watching and liking and I will see you in the next one Oh .