
Hello Ryan welcome to hunny bunny games my name is twisting today we are going to be playing brutal I oh so what the hell is brutal I oh brutal io is a, nutter I yo game it's a little bit different you. Play as a little cell thing Oh God and you have a big floaty ball behind yo this guy has a really big floating ball as. Get out with Kim we can spin around you just as a play look at, also throw it away that's computer odds ratio can get it back by holding the mouse button there we go and our goal is basically to kill, people with our big balls for example this guy does have a big ball you see it actually go get this that's going to make our ball bigger it's, gonna make it easier to kill other people and already our ball is my love the, agreement was before I like saying. Wall it's such a funny word I like it so much it's a it's a it's a pink spiky ball oh that was a nice block on my part, don't okay you don't mind bought a ball of any size connection sauce so we are not safe from anyone anyone can kill us with a well-aimed shot. Have to be, real careful this guy for example is oh my god yeah exactly he killed us just like that that's what Dylan is law was going to– someone to show you guys what happens when someone kills, you she has a massive ball over here look and look at the size. Of this thing holy crap we could kill him oh I revenge sweet sweet revenge oh it's. Mine it's mine again my ball is back I'm still a little bit sick can probably hear from my voice it's been hellish as i can finally actually. Talk like a normal person L but still it's annoying means thing it can still hear it in my voice and, I'm super self awareness hopefully. Its last 10 April it's not too slimy although I don't think it should be anymore should we just fine who did oh yeah got'em Oh No I've been had I've been bamboozled and schmooze old. Where am I we're going to map we are on the. Plus side we died blow the plus sign the maybe of goo loser but Sir you are in danger, I mean like there's some residue Luther here we died the other is going to. Allow us to get some more stuff back easily we already have a reasonably sized ball mr. haribo just like we just throw our ball away and hope it kill something although, if it gets too far away from us, we get in trouble because actually let's sort of all in one direction we can collect stuff yet losing energy close to the ball from a ball losing energy, so good back closer to it we can connect select stuff we have our. Certain capacity it doesn't like are both big until we r attach it to our self and then it makes a little bit bigger so in the middle of the. Map you might have noticed there is a big thing. In the middle of the map go to the middle of the map don't kill me i wanna show off what's in the middle of the map sir thank you. Very much you can actually go in the middle of the map out. Because we have all of this small bowl that's some of the ball be careful k in the middle of the. Map good boy ill god it's it's dangerous to go alone. Here it's not a very safe place also it's very lucky for some reason why why is everything black in here all of a sudden oh that's kind of weird Oh what would you, oh that was so lucky yeah he kill us but like by, accident a complete total accident so bad in the middle of that there's a big font that you can stand them in it full charge up your your ball power and when.

You get back to your bowl all the bowl power goes from you to your bowl and. You're both becomes bigger simple hahaha simple as that god damn it it's, a really fun game it's a really fun game but anyone can kill you see the biggest bloke on the block over here by looking at the crown who, is it who's the crown man and I still kind of chuckling you I could track telling you that is a big, thing holy. E gimme oh well Carly or doing a great job all right I should probably look a ball away more does that mean like handguns next to it smell stop and it's not sufficient let's get it, back let's get a like a reasonably sized Bowl first that's kind of make our life a bit easier. Go here we, go just a couple more Oh help oh god it's a big one go do this we can smash the green drum punch tight as you want to and we do want to, go that's not getting inside let's try getting inside now oh it's what may, be careful don't actually know it's not possible get inside anymore is it you're blocking it off quite well uh okay okay you're trying to like some booze on me again. I can see that i can respect that bounce oh ok this guy has a ball inside oh my, lord the lord he's doing great actually he is, just doing all great he is on he's a pro man Oh get the, ball I got to lead mechanic looking care act man never have a peaceful day with cannock in town know what they say about cannock he has a big blue ball that's a. Can of blue dude Oh gonna lose your balls oh you lovely goddamn boozled yeah didn't go very far it's hard to like. Flip it around oh boy oh e it's very hard to flip it around properly oh boy why is. A guy a double ball man holy crap that I. Mean prob see you man you're doing great Christophe big leaderboard in the top right of the screen haribo you are my friends there's no teamwork in this game you it's one, man for himself and by that I mean everyone for themselves remember for himself, yes I start afraid that's what they say oh god I got killed by a father quiet he has to, be Hungarian otherwise i am gonna be disappointed that's such a hungarian name has to be right I, don't know that's my body that's like okay this I'm playing on a Hungarian server because these are there like Hungarian awards. They gotta be right don't oh sheit get my, ball back we thank you are you my friend have us to really claim it's say watch I think I don't really know my look is super Isaac oh it's such subjective all out oh yeah okay, it's so good, am i truly supposed to have it actually occurs never anything to looks like man's like six seven years I don't know I believe it or not even noticing they were there, that's awesome Oh e okay so god damn it bossa studios really looking back /, already and stop killing me in the same know what you gotta do oh okay that guy is alive this thing is super happy thing everyone's ball throw very, big there's a lot of course from here the gobby right cuz oh yeah Vanessa. You are dead no I long one two three why have you forsaken me I don't like that at all oh oh. No oh come back i'ma go yeah it's fine it's like ugh, yes hahahaha who is the man now sucka ooh slack down again why is it lack down I have no clue right now but a bit there's a reason. For it okay this is like normal not really feel super wise to collect him you haven't look every, few minutes for some reason or another i don't know why guys after me oh go. Whenever we remember to like a minute ago other mighty have fallen a okay let's. Throw my ball into the fray that's wrong fray let's do the North forgetting some stuff Emily bigger just spinning no luck we didn't wait I think, we're doing okay Oh for a new Lord love such as I oh so close I think pretty darn ok get loose again don't even manage. Back thank you Oh getting some lag bus again I don't like that there's. Too many people right now we should probably stay out the outskirts it leaves unnamed forces it ok I lost that badge that's ok doesn't matter ok, I'd be careful cuz anyone literally anyone could kill you, if you're not paying attention just be slow oh this is always good yeah like that a lot ok we. Have a sizable bolger number nine on the leaderboard oh my god let, me highlight is flippin horrible oh that didn't do anything useful you have over a thousand points we are number 10 favorite jetting away from. Me come on get the ball back thank you alright so we're the ruler of the top right of the bottom right right now don't get gettable back at the, ball back at the ball back will I could just like make.

It go after behind us like that again nothing that's, the best cool oh oh oh don't get bonked in yorba donk Oh bull now e Oh got him nice worked with the nice work triple a little a, little bit okay I was back retweet we're number eight now nothing I'm adequate number one but number, eight still a relatively fine fine young number again my voice is crack a little bit and they should have been really sick for the past like 10 days it's been. Hellish completely lost my voice a few times they reach on time I try to record, it comes happening again hopefully can be gone by tomorrow again. And I will see okay try getting it clean this thing out I'm gonna grab all just gonna eat it all here. We go now how big are we right now how thick is our big blue ball that's not good mmm crag retreat hello stop name. Of love okay get to the missing make sure to gather everything, all we kill them kill them got him sucker push our ball around if you want to ever lose. Another set of tactics you look fast also glorious we are number four I finally talked to guys this totally flipping works this totally. Works I cannot believe it he's done it he's done in boys he found the ultimate strategy just push your big bold blue ball around and nothing can head. Back and ever happen to you except when you die. Which defeated a mate and now mate sorry mate oh no you ain't gonna get me I'm hiding my my big. Blue ball oh god they're surrounding me no get away i'm not happy I like killed Nathan Bates again oh man, sorry mate the calories here okay you are not real please assume you're trying to like do a little bit of a sticky snick yeah I know, how that's done I'm know how to be, sneaky sneaky number three all right how far are we from whistle number one quite a ways away. We need to double our points to get to number one and that could take a bit just slow, the router bit that guy's trying to chase us he's trying to like bamboozled as I feel yeah he there des hughes big ball get this all right this, is going to do a little bit right cuz there's a. Lot of angry dude glow us I say you go to the right Oh a lot of languages here forget their balls out. Of the way then I don't want to lose my bush your strategy right now I'll get cool actually my dad always push to finish let's, see where you get this see where you get tough let's see where it gets us Oh.

Kill them all got them all all my lord is that amazing or is that's really, amazing it's probably bit of boat honestly alrighty there we go all right getting everyone did you later oh no he's. He's after me he's after me oh boy no e get the ball back get the ball back give me the ball back thank. You very much I'm gonna hide in the corner I can't hide in the corner right I bet someone tried it before so they put different barriers there too just, like Halloween corner which would be ball and never, liked died except just costly flow into you probably oh there's the number two we are number two oh we got him we got. Him we got him we don't got him oh where is the all he's down there. All right let's go number one gets number one game on the way don't you dare kill my face oh I get the red thing Oh got him sucker sucker they're.

Okay right things are apparently really bad the probably should be getting close to them can I eat the entire. Green bubble I don't think I can you are, so dead my friend maybe not some other time I'll let you live this time you've been generous to my family oh boy oh whoa go oh yeah that's nuts the awesome, strategy just let go flow and let, go is the way of life oh boy can get it back y'all know multiples no ok raw that's what's fun man I really enjoy that that was really, really cool so I'm gonna end this one here if you guys want to see more let me. Know in the comments we'd like to show your support and all that GS and I will actually see you next time bye bye , .